How long will it take for my items to arrive?
Once you place your order, please allow 3-5 business days to process your orders. After that, it will typically take 8-15 business days for delivery in the United States, and 12-20 business days for international orders.
Where do you ship from?
We ship from our partnered warehouses & factories located in US & China. So, please expect your items to be shipped separately (if you order more than one item) as different factories specialize in different areas of manufacturing.
How long will it take to receive a tracking number?
It will take usually between 2-5 business days.
Is shipping really free?
Yes, shipping is free worldwide on all items.
How can I pay?
We accept all Major Credit Cards: Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Amex and also Paypal
Is your website secure with my personal information?
Absolutely! We use SSL security to ensure all your personal information is encrypted. We do not store your credit card information and it will be used one-time only upon purchasing of your product. Then your credit card information will be purged.
If I enter my email address will you sell my information?
We do not sell our customer’s information. Emails are strictly for follow-up and to send newsletters of our promotions if you decide to opt in.
Will I (the customer) have to pay customs?
For most countries you will not have to pay customs, but it depends where are you located and the amount you order.
Once you place your order, please allow 3-5 business days to process your orders. After that, it will typically take 8-15 business days for delivery in the United States, and 12-20 business days for international orders.
Where do you ship from?
We ship from our partnered warehouses & factories located in US & China. So, please expect your items to be shipped separately (if you order more than one item) as different factories specialize in different areas of manufacturing.
How long will it take to receive a tracking number?
It will take usually between 2-5 business days.
Is shipping really free?
Yes, shipping is free worldwide on all items.
How can I pay?
We accept all Major Credit Cards: Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Amex and also Paypal
Is your website secure with my personal information?
Absolutely! We use SSL security to ensure all your personal information is encrypted. We do not store your credit card information and it will be used one-time only upon purchasing of your product. Then your credit card information will be purged.
If I enter my email address will you sell my information?
We do not sell our customer’s information. Emails are strictly for follow-up and to send newsletters of our promotions if you decide to opt in.
Will I (the customer) have to pay customs?
For most countries you will not have to pay customs, but it depends where are you located and the amount you order.